As I explained in my last post I was working hard to catch bees in an interesting pose in the flowers when I decided to set a more difficult challenge for myself. I wanted to see if I could catch a bee in flight. I decided to start with them on the flowers because then I would have a reference point to lock my focus on. The problem is that bees take off really quickly and if you are going to get a picture where you can see any detail you have to get really close so they fly out of frame very quickly. There were no bees at all in my first 10 pictures because they had flown out of frame before I could react and press the button. I began to watch them more closely and noticed that they would generally rub their front legs together in a particular way before they took off. This little warning combined with the realization that I would have to frame the shot a little wider and depend partially on cropping to get a closeup shot meant that I got some decent shots. It was still really difficult to keep the bees in focus because they never flew straight up from the flower so they were often flying out of the plain of focus. I tried to deal with this by stopping down my aperture and it helped but the bees are still not really sharp. The other thing that I really like about this photograph, as opposed to the other two below is the fact that there is such a strong sense of place. The background, while blurred enough to not be distracting, helps us understand where we are and makes the bee seem bigger.
-Russell Berg
The Bee spots me as he comes in for a landing.
Bees lifting off from a flower.