Young lovers in a stream. He has set the timer on the camera and scrambled over the rocks to be there on time. The shutter clicks and they sit on the edge of the water, talking. They sit on the rock and they are unaware of so many things. There is the sparkle and shine of a new relationship and the whole world is lit with that light. They don't understand what love means or how it changes a person. They don't know that what they have is only the beginning of what it will become; for their love will have time to grow and breath and become something else entirely, something so much more real. The babies will come and the lovers will see in each of the children a little of themselves, a little more of the other to love in the small hand that reaches up to grasp their finger. Their love will be tested and tempered in a furnace that produces a new thing that is once again different, and beautiful and strong. They find in the other the better angels of their own nature and they look forward to what is next.
-Russell Berg