A low wide view of some rusty salvage on the shore. Canon EOS XSi EF-S 10-22mm at 10mm f/7.1 1/250 ISO 200
I got up before dawn to wander around Victoria and take photos. I got some of the typical sunrise pictures but after the sun was pretty much up the light was so beautiful and I turned from the east where the sun had just put on a pretty amazing show to the west to see what the light was doing to the potential subjects around me. I was wondering on the beach when I stumbled over this bit of salvage below. I have no idea what it is but the morning light on the rocks and the clouds scudding across the sky and this bit of rusty metal in between made a really interesting image. Getting low and close with a really wide angle lens can give your image a very interesting foreground that includes a lot of the background as well.
-Russell Berg